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Settle Plate Stands: Streamlining Your Environmental Monitoring Approach


Latest Requirements for Environmental Monitoring

The latest revision of EU GMP Annex 1 has been in operation since 25th August 2023. It heavily focuses on the implementation of environmental monitoring strategies, in order to evaluate the cleanliness and safety of manufacturing facilities.

This process involves collecting samples from the four main sources of microbial contamination in a cleanroom facility:

  1. Air
  2. Water
  3. Surfaces
  4. Personnel

These hazards should be evaluated by the department in terms of the relative risks to the product.

Air Sampling Methods in a Cleanroom Facility

This article will be focusing on solutions to air sampling in particular. Environmental monitoring has two preferred methods for inspecting airborne contamination – firstly via Active Air Sampling, and secondly Passive Air Sampling.

Active air sampling works by actively drawing air through a device or filter. This process is used to accurately measure the amount of specific airborne pollutants.

Passive air sampling, also known as diffusive sampling, is the method of using gravity to naturally settle particles onto a collection surface (i.e. petri dishes filled with prepared culture media). For this method to be efficient, it is vital that settle plates are placed in an optimal location in the facility.


Current requirements specify the following criteria for settle plate placement and exposure:

• Collection surfaces should be placed at least 1 meter away from walls, floors and any other major obstacles.

• The collection surface should be in an area that represents the type of contamination risk you want to assess.

• Petri dishes containing sterile growth media should be exposed to the air for a specified period of time, which can be anywhere between 30 minutes to 4 hours.

However, such criteria often means that settle plates are located in areas that can disrupt the workflow of a cleanroom facility. If placed on a table or worktop surface, there is an increased risk of accidental dislodging, or even disruption to the airflow around the collection plate, leading to inaccurate data.

The solution?

Our Bespoke Designed Settle Plate Stands

Introducing our high quality, purpose-built Settle Plate Stands – carefully designed to provide a non-intrusive location for environmental monitoring, whilst allowing petri dishes to be placed in optimal locations and not causing clutter or hazards.

Care must be taken when handling settle plates, to avoid damage or displacement. That is why our stands are designed to provide secure and appropriate positioning, for example, at working height while keeping them away from the work surface. The resting plate has also been designed with upturned edges to prevent accidental dislodging of petri dishes.

Better still, we can tailor this product to suit your bespoke requirements. Some options may include:

• Bespoke choice of stainless steel grade (usually 304 or 316).

• Choice of material finish, i.e. electropolishing or brushed finish. Read more about the hygienic benefits or electropolishing here. 

• Adjustable or fixed height options. 

• Tabletop or floor mounted options.

• Option for a pre-assembled product, or self-assembly on site. (Our self-assembly option streamlines the shipping process, whereas pre-assembled stands involve minimal work to set up on site).

• Customisable for both active and passive air sampling methods.

Notice the premium quality that we manufacture to!


Examples of our Designs

Whilst the majority of our settle plate stands are designed to be used in passive air sampling situations using settle plates, one example that we recently designed for a customer allowed a larger and more stable plate that supported an active air sampling machine on top.

Another version that we designed had a multi-tier system, which allowed the petri dish to rest on top and the lid to be placed underneath. This edition can also be made to suit a tabletop application.




Many customers prefer the option to adjust the height of the stand too. This design feature is useful for placing samplers at different heights around the room, in order to capture variations in contaminant concentrations.



The options are endless!

Enquire With Our Team Today

Simply speak with one of our helpful team members - we are more than happy to work together and produce a product suiting your requirements. Provide as much information as you can, and our team will respond accordingly.

Email: [email protected]

Tel: 01768 896 800


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