Cleanroom Supplies offer a range of Hand Sanitising products to suit your requirements. Ecolab Spirigel, Athenian non-alcohol mouse and Salvo Gel offer effective hand sanitising for cleanroom, NHS and healthcare facilities.
Read on our BLOG clearly explaining which alcohol sanitiser is most effective against Coronavirus, Covid-19 : READ BLOG ARTICLE HERE
See Also: Cleanroom Supplies Ltd Hand Sanitising Video Guide _
SALVO-GEL™ alcohol based gel provides proven ant-bacterial effectiveness. 500ml pump bottle 60% Ethanol alcohol moisturising alcohol hand gel contains added glycerine to leave hands soft and moisturised. 60% Alcohol hand gels are proven aids in anti-bacterial and cross infection control programmes in Hospitals, Nursing Homes, Emergency Services, Food Area, Schools Nurseries, etc. Effective against MRSA - Meets EN13727 and EN1276.
The BYOTROL INVIRTU™ ALCOHOL FREE and fragrance free sanitising mousse kills 99.9% of bacteria, fungi and viruses, and starts working in seconds. The BYOTROL INVIRTU™ sanitising mousse does not irritate the skin, or pose other risks associated with alcohol based hand sanitisers. This means it is ideal for individuals who have developed skin irritation and occupational dermatitis, and healthcare settings where alcohol-free sanitisers are recommended. This includes mental health, elderly care, alcohol dependent settings and cleanroom or other controlled environment applications. Hand Sanitiser refill pouches and Wall Dispensers are also in stock.
Please telephone 01768 896 800 if you would like further assistance. Or if you prefer, complete our Enquiry Form.

Hand Sanitising Gel - 74% Ethanol 500ml Bottle and Pump

Hibiscrub Antimicrobial Skin Cleanser For Medical Use

Spirigel Hand Sanitising Anti-Bacterial Gel by Ecolab

Byotrol Alcohol Free Hand Sanitising Foam - 600ml Bottle

Dispenser for Byotrol Alcohol Free Hand Sanitising Mousse

80% Alcohol Hand Sanitising Gel - 5L Refill Bottle

Wall-Mounted Hand Sanitiser Refill Dispenser - 900ml

Wall-Mounted Hand Automatic Sanitiser Dispenser - 1.2L