See Also: CONTAINMENT & MEDICAL ISOLATORSView Cleanroom Supplies growing range of High Quality, High Protection Consumables and PPE
Our products are carefully selected to provide safe production and handling of Chemotherapy, Cytotoxic production and handling of Oncology drugs. Our range provides a selection of Spill Kits, Chemo Gloves, Chemo Prep Mats, protective garments and much more.
It should be noted that drugs (and other chemicals) can permeate (go right through) an otherwise waterproof gloves or other protective clothing. This can lull clinicians into a false sense of security. In particular, most medical gloves have a very low resistance to the accidental spillage of cytotoxic chemotherapy drugs. This could pose a significant risk to clinical staff.
If you need any further guidance, please do not hesitate to Contact Us, we are waiting to advise and assist.

Chemotherapy or Cytotoxic Protective Apron with Sleeves

Chemotherapy or Cytotoxic Protective Apron Sleeveless

Chemotherapy or Cytotoxic Protective Oversleeves

Chemo Preparation Mat for Cytotoxic Drugs - Non-Sterile

Chemotherapy Preparation Mat for Cytotoxic Drugs - Sterile

BioClean Chemprep Chemo Drug Preparation Mat Non-Sterile

Non-Sterile Powder-Free Extended Nitrile Glove - Blue

Sterile Powder-Free Nitrile Extended Cuff Glove - White

Nitrile Glove Chemotherapy and Cytotoxic Drug Resistant

Cytotoxic Spill Pack - Safe Removal of Cytotoxic Drugs

Cytotoxic Spill Kit for Containing Chemotherapy Drugs

BIOCLEAN Clearview Cleanroom Goggles - Autoclavable