See Also: STERILE GARMENTSOur range of disposable coveralls includes appropriate options for different levels of protection, from basic protection to protection from hazardous liquids and particles, sterile coveralls and viral protection.
Our MICROPOROUS selection of disposable coveralls has been selected for expert work in cleanrooms, laboratories, hospitals, universities and pharmaceutical companies. Our Optimum range of SMS Type 5&6 coveralls are more suited to applications in industrial, construction and body shop repair industries.
While having protection to the PPE Direcrtive is essential, we recognise that the constant squeeze on budgets is unforgiving. For this reason we recommend that customers who have traditionally relied on Tyvek, plus other prominent disposable coverall brands. Try the OPTIMUM PROTECTION™ brand of disposable coverall - Free Samples are available - providing equivalent Type 5 & 6 Cat III (3) protection at a substantially reduced price. For these reasons many of our customers prefer Optimum Coveralls. See just how effective Optimum Coveralls are in this extreme test: Optimum Microporous Coverall Performance Video ?
We stock Type 3, Type 4 and Type 5 & 6 Disposable coveralls in both SMS and Microporous materials. Data sheets and a Selection Guide are available to assist you in selecting the correct protection levels. We also stock Tyvek™ Classic Expert and Classic Plus Type 5 & 6 coveralls. These coveralls are manufactured from Dupont™ unique material.
As always, the market leader’s name promises reliability but at an increased price, and our team at Cleanroom Supplies – always looking to give our customers the highest quality and the best price - you could say - the Optimum choice. We invite you to put OPTIMUM PROTECTION™ to the test. You will probably find it’s a great way to balance your budget.
If you would like a sample before buying - give any of our Team a call on 01768 896 800, or complete the Enquiry Form. If sterility is a requirement, then select our BioClean range of Sterile disposable Coveralls and Overboots.

OPTIMUM Type 5&6 Cat 3 Microporous Disposable Coveralls

Type 4 5 & 6 Disposable Taped Coveralls - Category III

OPTIMUM Disposable Type 5 & 6 Cat III SMS Coveralls

CHEMSPLASH COOL Type 5 & 6 Disposable Coveralls

Sterile Type 4 & 5 Cat 3 Disposable Coveralls with Hood

Type 3 & 4 Cat III Chemical Resistant Coverall with Hood

OPTIMUM Type 4 5&6 Cat 3 Disposable Coveralls Next Day

TYVEK Classic Expert Type 5 & 6 Disposable Coveralls

TYVEK Classic Plus Type 4, 5 & 6 Disposable Coveralls