Chlorine Based Disinfection Tablets
Cleanroom Supplies stock a range of non-sterile surface disinfectants chlorine based tablets. Suitable for use in cleanroom, laboratory and medical environments. Both for effective disinfection of surfaces and medical equipment. For advice on product selection please call us.
A range of powerful chlorine based disinfectants in the form of a powder compressed into a tablet, which kills bacteria, fungi, viruses and spores of infections body spills within 2 minutes. Formulated with effervescent salts to aid its dispersion in water and compressed into tablet form. The result is a fast-dissolving, highly convenient and safer alternative to liquid bleach.
ANIGENE, CHEMGENE and SOCHLOR are trusted ane reliable Chlorine Based disinfectant tablets and are in use throughout the NHS.
This disinfectants are DEFRA approved and are ideal for use as an emergency product in the event of a Notifiable Disease outbreak. It has also been approved for disinfection of inanimate surfaces where an approved product is required under the control legislation for the following specific diseases:
Foot-and Mouth Disease, Swine Vesicular Disease, Poultry diseases, including Avian Influenza, Influenze of avian origin in mammals, Newcastle Disease and Paramyxovirus, Tuberculosis.
They also provide approved disinfection of inanimate surfaces where General Orders require the use of an approved disinfectant.
VIRKON chemistry is based on Pentapotassium, not chlorine.

Chlorine Disinfectant Tablets for Animal Environments

Chlorine Disinfectant Tablets for Hazardous Spills

Chlorine NaDCC Sanitising Tablets for Hazardous Spills

Trigger Spray Diffuser for Chlorine Disinfectant Tablets

Rely+On Virkon High Level Disinfectant Tablets - 10 x 5g