Virkon™ Disinfectant Tablets
Rely+On™ Virkon™ tablets produce a high level disinfectant that is effective against all major pathogens and a wide range of antibiotic-resistant strains. Each 5g tablet makes up 500ml of active Virkon disinfectant, so a pack of 10 allows you to produce 5L of active solution. Suitable for use in hospitals, residential homes, dentists, catering facilities, hotels etc. Activates within 5 minutes & is viable for up to 5 days.
Disifectant tablets allow for easy and accurate dosing when creating the solution. Once placed in water, they produce a pink solution which is activated within 5 minutes. Once activated, the solution has a use life up to 5 days.
Virkion™ is effective at killing 99.999% of micro-organisms in less than 10 minutes. The solution can be applied to surfaces using a spray bottle, sponge, mop etc. Any items that need disinfecting (not medical devices) can be submerged in Virkon™ solution and rinsed afterwards.
After independent testing, this product has been proven effective against:
300 strains/clinical isolates from 76 bacteria
47 strains/clinical isolates from 35 viruses
45 strains/clinical isolates from 17 fungi
High level disinfectant
Active ingredient = Pentapotassium
Effective against all major pathogens and a range of antibiotic-resistant strains
Each tablet produces 500ml active solution
Activates within 5 minues and viable up to 5 days
Kills 99.999% micro-organisms in less than 10 minutes
Suitable for a range of applications